TIME Spotlights the BACtrack Mobile Breathalyzer

TIME Spotlights the BACtrack Mobile Breathalyzer


TIME's Technology Editor wrote a short review of BACtrack's newest breathalyzer yesterday for their Gadget's section. A feature-focused piece, the review emphasized the utility of BACtrack Mobile's sharing capabilities. 

"Assuming you use this to keep yourself alive and out of trouble," they reported, "the app has a useful-sounding feature that estimates how long it’ll take you to sober up." Additionally, the editor mentioned, when one can not actually wait to reach 0.00% BAC, "You can text the results directly to your favorite designated driver..." 

Read the full review at: techland.time.com/2013/04/24/bluetooth-breathalyzer-lets-you-share-your-drunkenness-with-the-world/


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