BACtrack S30 Operating Instructions

Below are basic operation guidelines for the BACtrack S30 breathalyzer. For more detailed instructions and explanations, please read the BACtrack S30 Breathalyzer Owner’s Manual.

IMPORTANT: Users must wait 20 minutes after eating, drinking, or smoking before blowing into the S30 breathalyzer. Failure to wait 20 minutes can provide inaccurate test results and possibly damage the sensor.
Before Starting
Attach the mouthpiece adapter and a mouthpiece. It is recommended to insert a fresh mouthpiece before each test.
Step 1
Press the power button. The total number of tests performed since the last service is briefly displayed and then a countdown sequence begins.
Step 2
When the countdown approaches 1, begin to inhale a deep breath. -
Step 3
When the countdown reaches zero, the S30 will begin beeping and the LCD segments will circle. Blow firmly and continuously for five full seconds. While a user is blowing, the S30 will sound a continuous tone. Keep blowing until two beeps are heard.
Step 4
When finished taking a breath sample, the S30 will circle the outer LCD fields while analyzing the breath sample.
Step 5
Once the sensor has analyzed the breath sample, the estimated BAC value is displayed.
The displayed result is an estimate of the test subject’s BAC.
Powering Off
To turn the power off at any time, leave the unit alone. Not touching the power button for 30 seconds will trigger it to automatically shut itself off with minimal effect on the life of the battery.
This indicates that the battery power is low and that the batteries should be replaced.
If a user does not blow a sufficient breath sample, the LCD will display “FLO." Press the power button to restart the countdown cycle and retest. Be sure to blow firmly and continuously for five full seconds.
If there is no breath sample blown within 10 seconds, the LCD will display “Er.” Press power to restart the countdown cycle and retest.
The "CAL" display indicates that the unit requires recalibration or maintenance. Please refer to Calibration section of our Support Center to find out how to get your unit calibrated.